One-on-One Tutoring

  • Private, virtual tutoring includes homework help, customized enrichment, and standardized test preparation.

  • After a new student consultation families are provided with a personalized tutoring plan and paired with featured tutors based on fit and availability.

    Check out our amazing team of tutors here.

  • Private tutoring sessions cost $40.00 per hour.

    All tutoring fees are billed in advance.

  • All live or asynchronous services must be paid for in advance via Stripe Invoice or Calendly. A reschedule will be granted for any cancellations provided with at-least 72 hour notice. A reschedule will not be granted for cancellations provided with less than 72 hour notice. Refunds are not granted for student cancellations. A refund will be provided if a tutor cancels. Refunds are processed via Stripe and may take 5-10 business days to show up on your bank account. Tutors and students are encouraged to contact to report excessive cancellations by either party.

  • If your scholar is unable to answer, "What did you learn in school today?" please email an image of the student's recent assignments to their tutor. Tutors will at times recommend additional resources for practice to ensure momentum is not lost between sessions. Reinforcement outside of sessions is critical to ensure your investment is worthwhile. Please email county pacing guides or syllabuses if you want your scholar's tutor to teach material before it is presented in class. If you'd like you or your scholar to prepare for standardized tests (i.e. SSAT, CogAT, ASVAB, GED) you may be encouraged to purchase study materials.

  • Families are encouraged to be accountable partners in the tutoring journey. Tutors do not send reminders. If your scholar will be joining sessions when you're away, please save the web conference information to a calendar or document they can access. If you'd like to discuss your scholar's performance please join before the conclusion of the session.

  • The Zoom link is sent to the email provided at check-out. Please save the link and email your tutor if you’d like the Zoom link resent. Tutors are not permitted to provide additional time if students join late.